When you work with us, you’ll find each member of our team delivers beyond the expected to every challenge. You’ll appreciate our experience, but you’ll love our attitude and our flexibility.

The Executive Team

TONY MILLERExecutive Vice President, Retail
JUDGE DOBRIENTVice President, Wholesale Marketing & Sales

Business Development, Branded Sales

JOSH TIDWELLDirector, Marketing & Sales
CHAD WILDERDirector, Dealer Business Development
MARTY WALTERArea Sales Manager of Arkansas, Oklahoma & North Texas, Branded Wholesale
RYAN YOUNGArea Sales Manager of Texas/New Mexico, Branded Wholesale
TRAVIS SMITHSr Wholesale Sales & Marketing SE/Dealer Region, Branded Wholesale
DOMINICK BROWNSr Wholesale Sales & Marketing SE/Dealer Region, Branded Wholesale
SONJA SCANLANFleet Services Manager

Card Processing and Payment Services

HOLLY ROLDANDirector, Payment Card Services
JASON BURGERSenior Analyst, Payment Card Services
SHAVA MCINTYERSenior Analyst Payment Card Services

Brand Operations

NEAL GRAYDirector of Marketing, Sales & Image Branded Wholesale
JESSICA CORLEYConstruction and Image Development Specialist
JORDAN EARLEYMarketing Program and Contract Manager

Branding, Advertising and Promotions

ANDREW LEEDirector of Retail Marketing
HEATHER HAGARSenior Advertising Associate, Retail
HUNTER JACKSONSenior Advertising Specialist, Branded Wholesale

Business Development, Unbranded Sales

BRYAN HECTORDirector of Unbranded Marketing & Pricing West Texas
KATIE VELASenior Energy Marketing and Supply Coordinator
CAROLINE SMITHRetail Fuel Manager and Pricing Analyst

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